Yoga for Life schedule

Every man’s work…
is a portrait of himself.

– Samuel Butler

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During inclement


All Yoga Students are encouraged to have an open mind and open heart to substitute Teachers. Remember there is always something we can learn about ourselves thru a new journey.

weather – call the studio 631-941-yoga for updates

Class Fees:
Walk Ins – $20
10 Card – $145   — On Sale 
Monthly Unlimited – $150
Yearly Unlimited Available

Private Yoga & Workshops
Corporate/Lunchtime Yoga
Call 631-941-9642 for more information.

*  Class is comfortable for beginners and pregnant women.
*  1/2 A spicy gentle yoga with a little more energy.
** Class is acceptable for experienced students.

FREE Yoga Classes for Veterans, Firefighters and Police suffering from PTSD and other Traumas
Holiday Inn Express Stony Brook and Yoga for Life – Relax, Renew and Rejuvenate

Y12SR – Yoga & 12 Steps – immersion of yoga and the 12 Steps into one

Class Guidelines:
If you arrive late please enter quietly.
Try not to eat for at least 2 hours before class.
If you must eat, have just fruit or a protein bar.
Wear loose clothing. (T-shirt, shorts or sweats)
Let the teacher know if you plan to leave early.
Please turn off your cell phone and kindly put them away.

  8-9:15 AM
Urban Zen
Yogi Surya Jacqui
Warm Yoga Flow**
Yogi Laurel
7:30-8:30 AM
Gentle Love Peace & Light Yoga*
9:30 AM
Yoga Journey of Surya**
Yogi Jacqui
9:45 AM
Graceful Moksha Flow Yoga*1/2

Yogi Lois
9:30 AM
Yoga Journey of Surya**
Yogi Jacqui
9:30 AM
The Gems of Yoga*1/2
Yogi Lois
9:15 AM
Graceful Moksha Yoga*1/2

Yogi Lois
8:45 AM
On the Path of Yoga**
11:30 AM
Embrace Bhakti Yoga*
Yogi Shiva
11:15 AM
Peaceful Yoga
Yogi Shri
Lori T
9:45 AM
 Living Your Yoga*1/2
Yogi Denise
10:30 AM
  Yoga Foundation, Prana & Alignment*1/2
Yogi Ta’ra Toni/Jessica
4:30 PM
Embracing Bhakti Yoga*
Yogi Shiva
4:00 PM
The Essense of Self Yoga*1/2
Yogi Sangeeta
12:00 PM
Gentle Bhakti Yoga
Yogi Shiva
4:00 PM
Nourishing Loving Gentle Yoga*
Yogi Yoko
12:30-1:30 PM
Kripalu Gentle Yoga *
Yoga of Peace*
Bhakti Yoga
Yogi Shiva
5:30 PM
Shakti Yoga Flow**
Michele V
5:30 PM
Immersion of Chandra Eclectic Yoga***
5:30 – 6:45 PM
Empowering Yoga**
Yogi Lois
5:30 PM
Immersion of Healing Movement**

7:30-8:15 PM
Peaceful Yoga*
(candlelight yoga)
Yogi Mala/Lori
7:00-8:15 PM
Kundalini Yoga Practice*1/2
Yogi Darlene
Thursday workshops posted on Bulletin Board @ YFL6:00-7:15 PM
 Enjoy Your Yoga Practice
Yogi Deirdre/Debbie
7:00 PM
Illuminating Grace w/Yoga*
7:30 PM
Ashtanga Practice***
8:30 PM
Yogi Linda/Bonnie

Massage, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Reiki, & Harmonyum Healing
Healing Movement Yoga Teacher Training
Reiki level 1 & 2 and Mastership Certification
Pre-Natal/Post-Natal Yoga


In the one and two star classes students will be guided to work at their own pace with adjustments for each pose to accommodate the body and mind.

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Flow Yoga
Yoga poses flow in a sequence from one to the next. Vibratory, Pranic, & Rhythmic.

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Barkan Method
The Barkan Method is a style of Hatha yoga. The practice brings vital balance & restores all systems to optimal health. Classes are practiced in a heated room to strengthen various areas of the body, consistency will create a physical, mental & sprirtual harmony that will be felt in all areas of the practitioner’s life.

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Ashtanga Yoga
This is a vigorous style of Yoga that flows from one pose to the next. This Class is arranged in a set of series of postures that will build strength, flexibility and stamina. It is suggested that you build a basic knowledge of Yoga before taking this Class. Surya Namaskar, A & B Advanced Posture, Vinyasa Inversions and more.

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Kripalu Yoga
Kripalu combines breath work, postures and self acceptance to create a relaxing experience. The postures are guided for the experience of strength, stretching, self-awareness and to promote self healing.

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The practice of Yoga Breathing Mindfulness.

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Naam Yoga
Is the mother yoga of sacred sound, which bears light and life. Through healing music, mantra, mudra(energy locks), breath and asana, the wisdom, intelligence and healing power of the human body is awakened as one harmonizes with its original rhythm. Naam uniquely creates deep relaxation in the body, alertness and clarity in the mind, and sweetness in the heart.

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Ananada Yoga
This practice brings flexibility to all muscles & joints of the body, It also wakes up the nervous system. The practice ends with Relaxation, Breathing, & Meditation exercises to remove impurities & bring a sense of well being to the body and radiant peace to the mind.

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Yoga For Life, 190-1 Belle Meade Rd, Setauket, NY 11733, Long Island, Suffolk County – Phone: 631.941.9642 – Join us on Facebook >>